Monday, January 14, 2008

why I love dc...

because I like lists and its 2:30am and I cant either sleep or type this is how this blog is going to go:

- cooked a homemade pizza (reasonably healthy as well with whole wheat thin crust bread, 2% cheese and turkey pepperoni)
- went to chinatown to see bucket list and received a free movie ticket (the bff and I are going to get dogs and name them jack nicholson and morgan freeman)
- decided that we should hook up one my bff's sister and my dearest hispanic friend - priceless
- stopped by my brother's place (lame without all the kickball players)
- drove to eastern market to see if any of the bars were interesting (they werent)
- went to the neighborhood market aka 7/11 and picked up some treats
- then went home and hung out/watched tv/and went to sleep

- woke up and made a delicious (and reasonably healthy) breakfast (turkey bacon, whole wheat waffles made with egg whites and vanilla yogurt, then used sugar-free syrup, and egg whites and laughing cow swiss cheese scrambled eggs)
- watched some arrested development
- walked to eastern market and did a little window shoppin'
- ran into an old friend/ got on the metro
- stopped at metro center to get my bff a well needed smart trip card - $5
- transfered at the last minute and went to dupont to have coffee and meet an old friend to watch the "ride the metro w/o your pants" - $6
- got off at foggy bottom and walked to georgetown
- stopped at the four seasons to see the boston celtics coming out
- walked around georgetown/ bought a sweater at jcrew (they are having a great sale - check it out online)
- stumbled upon cafe leopold's in the interior design district of g-town
- went to the movie theater to see if Juno was playing
- it was... so we bought tickets to see it - $10
- bought snacks for my bff - $12
- metro'd home/ went to blockbuster to see my "boifriend" and rented more arrested development and a little big love
- came home on a bus/ watched big love and fell asleep talking to an ex-boyfriend

- slept in and didnt go to church :(
- had fruit smoothies and waffles for breakfast
- got ready and drove to friendship heights to go grocery shopping - $80
- dropped of the good ol' bff
- came home and did nothing but took a nap
- see above for the reason why i cannot sleep now