Three day weekends are always a great time for a good garage sale. So I have decided to get rid of the following items from my life. Unlike most garage sales, I hope that this one girl's junk is not anyone else's treasures but the following items can be found outside of my life as of today at 2pm.
One Bad Relationship: I know that most single gals have one of those relationships that we keep around in case we really need a guy in our lives. This is the guy who treats me like dirt, won't commit and well... he just isn't worth my time any more. I can't be carrying around this relationship if I want to find anyone else.

50 Pounds: I have been putting this one off for years but I have decided that it is better to get rid of this than to continue to carry it around with me. Not only do I want to feel great about myself but I want to be healthy so that when I turn 70 thank the 20-something me for taking care of my body so that I can use it when I am older. I have decided to lose the 50 in 6 months so that its realistic and I can feel great over the summer. I want to start the Couch to 5K running program and take up rowing.

One Unpaid Phone Bill: When I was younger I got myself hooked into a bad/lame "Get a free cell phone" deal and its now stuck on my credit report. I have decided that I have had this a little too long and I am now looking to get rid of it. I filed my taxes on Valentine's Day (lame, I know, but see item number one - I didnt have anything great to do :) and I should be getting my return soon and this is the number one thing that I will be paying off.

One Empty Savings Account: My savings account has been pretty dry for a pretty long time and it is time to fill this little puppy up. I have vowed to put a good chunk of my tax return into this and then save a couple hundred dollars a paycheck from here on out.
One Barely Used Passport: This passport has a couple stamps on it but it is still pretty new. I think that it needs to see the world a little more. I am hoping with the item above they can make some beautiful memories together. I want my passport to see many stamps and many beautiful countries.
I am sure that I will be either adding new items to this yard sale soon or I will have another one in the future. I will keep you all updated. I encourage everyone to think of some items that are sitting around your life that you want to get rid of as well. It feels amazing to free yourself of this extra baggage.
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