Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Favorite Thing Today: White People

Hahah, okay so living in DC makes me feel like I dont really fit in. I am either too smart or too dumb for people I hang out with and I am either too into pop culture or too diverse for others. Anyhow, I fell in love with this website.

Stuff White People Like

Why? Because I dont really fit into these catogories but everyone I know does! Hahah. My roommmates, my boss, people I work with, people on the Hill, EVERYONE!!!

Hahha, I think about this all the time. People try to be so unique that they just become more like everyone else. Hahah.

Ones I love:
#87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
#85 The Wire
#82 Hating Corporations
#65 Co-Ed Sports
#62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
#61 Bicycles
#49 Vintage
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
#40 Apple Products
#39 Netflix
#38 Arrested Development
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
#28 Not having a TV
#13 Tea
#12 Non-Profit Organizations
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
#8 Barack Obama
#7 Diversity
#6 Organic Food
#5 Farmer’s Markets



P said...

This site is totally and utterly brilliant. I lapse into a deep depression when they don't post daily.