This is really cool (a little bias) but you get the point that we need to change the way we think and the way we act about stuff.
What a perfect video for me to watch. I have been thinking about the money that I spend all the time and how wasteful I am. I really want to travel and I am thinking of ways to save up my money and not spend it on silly crap all the time.
Let's look at my weekend spending (and this was a cheap weekend!)
Friday night -
I buy drinks (I don't even drink!) for my friends and leave a tip for the bartender $16
I also buy an appetizer that I didn't care for and only ate a little and with tip $12
Saturday -
I bought hair spray and water at CVS $7
I bought some fig newtons at YES! organic market $4
Saturday night - I inly drank water at the bar $0
Sunday -
Well I am still in bed and havent had a chance to consume/purchase anything.
This shows you that I spent almost $30 on crap I didn't even use/like! What the heck!!! Thus why I have chosen to quit spending money on crap. I want to save like there is no tomorrow so that I can pick up and travel when the time comes. I have also thought about selling my car and minimizing my debt so that my traveling will be more carefree. :)
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