Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Out of touch?

Check out this dude cooking corn. Look familiar? Yeah, that's my candidate. I really don't think that he is as "out-of-touch" with the American people as somebody would have you think.

Take another look around. That's his kitchen. Nothing too fancy. Just simple.

Don't believe me. Check this one out...

That is just your average kitchen, my friends.

***Now, I am not saying that since he has an average kitchen you should vote for this guy, I AM SAYING... that you need to read past all the hype from both candidates and find the truth for yourself. This is a campaign, they are suppose to point out (and exaggerate) the flaws of their opposition. But its our job to read a little more into it all. That's all. Thanks.

(Images from McCain Bloggette, check it out!!)


Our Ohana said...

Amen, sista! I love these pictures!! they're classic!

Unknown said...

This might be a picture of his kitchen, but I ask you, which one of his many kitchens?? Haha! Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Glad I could show you that outdoor office article- I really love it as well!!

this one said...

ill ignore this since i like your blog.

moving on.