My Hometown...
This is a view from the front porch of my parent's house. This is why I love Arizona.

And because my mother loves to throw a good party, later that night we had everyone over - old friends & new
I woke up and went to church in my home ward. I got to see all the old familiar faces that give me comfort and support.
I then came home and went to the Labor Day Craft Fair with my mother. After that we came home and got ready for the party that evening.
I spent the night chatting with old friends, some who I haven't seen in years.
Then my lovely little nugget T and I headed out to a local bar. When we first got there, we noticed an old friend that I haven't seen for years. We started playing pool with everyone in the bar and listening to good music and catching up on old times. But this bar closed at midnight so we headed to the next bar. We show up and its karaoke night. We close this bar down after singing and dancing and having fun for hours.
You love AZ, but do you love your dearest friends? THANKS FOR SAYING BYE!! Loser. We're fighting. :o(
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