Tuesday, September 23, 2008

To Do: Don't Forget Nie

I love this story about NieNie.

When I was younger my mom wanted to bring back my curly hair and she thought that if she cut it short the curls would come back. So she took me to a local salon and asked the guy to cut it short so that my curly hair would come back.

While as he started to cut, I started to cry.

The shorter it got, the more I cried.

By the end, I was hysterical. My mom looked at her short haired daughter who had a curly little 'fro at this point and told me that she would buy me whatever I wanted.

I took her up on that offer, but the damage was done - I looked like a little boy for the longest time.

I remember going over to meet my new neighbors and I heard their mother say, "Aww, go play with the neighbor boy."

I quit right there and went home.

To say that I learned my lesson should have been a given but now I look back at my college hair cut and it looks a little like a short lesbian cut too.

Well kids - This One is keeping her hair long from here on out.


Joanna Goddard said...

i loved this story too, she is so lovely :)