Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Things On My To Do List: Right Now

from here

 - keep my new flower box plants alive (omg, i haven't posted pics yet!)
 - clean my apartment (I had guests last night and I need to clean up)
 - iron (sorry, some of these things are just on my mind - not blog worthy)
 - drink hot cocoa  (doing this now)
 - get a hair cut for my meeting on October 21st
 - start wearing tights again
 - take my vitamins
 - go apple picking and pumpkin picking
 - start getting more sleep 
 - start looking for a new job (I just wanna travel)
 - buy more jewelry
 - get a tan
 - clear up my skin (with this, this, and this)
 - eat more of this delish hummus (doing this now)
 - do something that makes me feel like it is Fall
 - save money!!!