Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Do: Play Tag

image from here.

I have been tagged for the first time ever.

But I was not just tagged once -I got tagged twice!

I was "tag- teamed" by Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle and Whatever DeeDee Wants - both are great blogs!

"6 very quirky, very boring details about myself"

The rules:
1 - Link to the person (or people) who tagged you
2 - List the rules.
3 - Tag six fellow bloggers.
4 - Leave them a comment so they know they've been tagged.

So, here's my six:

1 - I am sooo sick of politics. I hate listening to all the chatter about the election.

2 - I have a big (if not the BIGGEST) meeting you can imagine on October 21st and I need to find the perfect outfit(?) asap!!

3 - I have this song on repeat.

4 - I am obsessed with volunteering right now. I just want to volunteer for everything - everywhere. (Disclaimer - I am not a nice person and I don't want to mislead anyone with this. I am sure that I am someway benefiting myself more by doing this!)

5 - I have never-ever wanted children in my life. Well - sorta. On the surface I never wanted kids but there has always been a part of me that has wanted to adopt children from all over the world (way before Ms. Jolie did this). But after spending my spare time reading through Nie Nie's archives and seeing her positive outlook on being a mother, I have really wanted to have a family of my own. Someday though. Not anytime soon.

6 - I am in the picture of the pink White House below. :)

Sorry - I am really happy that someone tagged me but I get really nervous about tagging other people. I am pretty lame.