Here is the deal. No picture today. I don't feel like searching for one. I just feel like bitching.
Also, "The Boy" will now be referred to as "The Dude" that makes me laugh more. :)
Okay... now we can get started on the blogging.
If you have read my blog at all this week, then you know that I am craving an outdoor adventure.
Well, I roped {or maybe he roped me} into a fun weekend camping trip. I just wanted something easy and I wanted to go check out Harper's Ferry.
Issue 1: The Dude agrees to go camping with me. And so he asks, "What type of camping gear are you bringing to the table?" My answer, "My Jeep." Then he proceeds to explain to me that it is called "c-a-m-p-i-n-g" not "CAR-ing" so my Jeep will not be suitable for a tent.
Issue 2: I wanted to pack like 4 granola bars and some water in my bag and then grab some grub at the local restaurants. Then I was asked "When was the last time you went camping. That is not camping."
Issue 3: Now The Dude wants to bring along another Marine and his girlfriend. (Okay, this isn't really an issue but I think it does add to the problem.)
Issue 4: I am not allowed to bring along my cool mountain bike. :( I believe the term was "unnecessary gear."
Issue 5: I am supposed to round up a camping stove, a skillet, a big camping pan, my own sleeping bag and a sleeping mat. This was brought to my attention at 3pm today. Awesome, right.
Issue 6: I also need to read The Dude's mind to figure what kind of "man-meals" he wants to consume during this trip.
Oh, boy... I am just so frickin' excited about my easy-going-fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-camping-getaway now!!
:) Woo hoo.
Good luck! I am not a camper so unfortunately I don't have any great advice for you. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
This cracks me up! Dominic and I have completely different ideas about camping too. We still get frustrated with each other when planning for a camping trip :)
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