Here is to you Mom:
even though you STILL don't read my blog.
even though you mail me packages with your old nylons from the 80's.
even though you just spent a fortune on goat cheese to mail to Saucy Apron and then realized that it would never make it from AZ to DC without spoiling.
even though you brag about spending a whole $5 on a Coach purse at the local thrift store.
even though you still don't understand my personal style.
even though you started referring to yourself as "mama."
even though every time you call me I am worried that it is because I have a parking ticket. :)
even though you live on the other side of the country and I really miss you. a lot.
but I love you more because of these things. thank you for making me who I am today.
i love you. a lot.
i love you. a lot.
***This is my mom's reply to this post via email.
"Aww, thank you! I wanted to print your Mother's Day blog & ended up printing all 13 pages!"
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