Okay, I am celebrating my big 2-5 next Tuesday and it got me thinking about things that I would like to do better next year. This year was great though. Here are some highlights...
25 Cool Things I Did Before Turning 25
1- Quit working at the White House.
2- Fell in love.
3- How to hustle (babysitting, pet sitting, etc.)
4- How to take care of 3/4 kids at a time and what to do for fun.
5- Went on a Pirate Cruise.
6- Got my heart broken.
7- My first Jury Duty.
8- Met President Obama.
9- Missed President Bush.
10- Read a lot of books.
11- Spent the summer in the sun.
12- Traveled to Virginia Beach.
13- Had 6 flat tires. Learned a lot.
14- Learned to take care of myself.
15- Spent a lot of time pool side.
16- Camping in Harper's Ferry in Feburary.
17- Learned to say no.
18- Had dinner at a 3-star general's house.
19- Went to the top of the Andrew's Air Force Base Control Tower.
20- Learned my worth.
21- Went to Shenandoah National Park and went camping.
22- Toured Air Force One.
23- Volunteered a lot.
24- Scored an amazing job.
25- Learned a whole lot about myself.
And to get started on next year:
26 Before I Turn 26
1- Get in the best shape of my life.
2- Pay off my loan, car, and credit card.
3- Keep a journal.
4- Send out holiday cards.
5- Make a meal for the missionaries once a month.
6- Volunteer at least once a month.
7- Fall in love with someone amazing.
8- Start running every day/run a 10k.
9- Go on an amazing trip.
10- Build up my savings.
11- Read the Bible/Book of Mormon.
12- Help a total stranger.
13- Buy one very nice piece of jewelry for myself.
14- Go on a Capitol Dome Tour.
15- Do one big outdoor adventure every month.
16- Go sailing.
17- Read 15 books.
18- Organize my photos/create a nice photo album.
19- Try to attend everything that I am invited to.
20- Hot air balloon, sky dive, or bungee jump.
21- Learn better/daily etiquette and use it.
22- Donate blood as often as I can.
23- Be better at keeping in touch with people.
24- Be more positive. Learn to forgive a little bit better.
25- Pay tithing/do more church things.
26- Eat more homemade meals.