Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To Do: Missed Connections

Speaking of dating, tonight I was on the phone chatting with my mom about my whole situation (see the last post) while grocery shopping. I was chatting and chatting with her and realized that...
a) people kept looking at me so I must have been speaking too loud
b) my shopping list was on my phone so I needed to quit talking and shop
c) there was a cute guy shopping around me too

...so I said goodbye to my mom near the cute guy and continued shopping. Then super cute guy followed me down the aisle and then said,
"Geez, I am so glad that you finally got off the phone."
We laughed and then moved on. Aisle after aisle we kept running into each other. (PS - he was in uniform.) And I started thinking, "dude, he was listening in on my conversation!"

So I went up to him and said,
"So, do you gather intellegence for the Air Force or something? Because you are a great eavesdropper."
We laughed again, totally flirting. And he followed me to the check out. We said goodbye and then ended up at the same stop light where we smiled and waved... and then what... NOTHING!

How stupid am I!?!

So, I will be spending the evening constantly refreshing the Craiglist Missed Connections site to see if he loves me and wrote me a note. ALL. NIGHT. LONG.

It made me think of this...

Joanna blogged about this missed connection picture drawn by Artist Sophie Blackall.

PS- I was totally kidding about spending the rest of the night checking the Craigslist site.

Ill only check it every few hours. Hahah. :)


Steve said...

You DID totally blow it, but so did he! haha. I always tell people the best and easiest place to pick up people is at the grocery store! I did my best work in the dairy section, haha. (hint it has everything to do with the temperature, haha)