Monday, August 16, 2010

Well Hello...

Its me. Your old blogging friend.

You might have asked yourself... "I wonder why This One doesn't blog anymore." Well, if you did then I have the answer to that question for you... right here...

BECAUSE I HAVE LOST IT! I must have gone crazy at some point this summer in this humid DC weather because I have decided to fill up my schedule. Well, we are nearing an overflow, I guess.

Not only am I still working as an event planner for the Marine Cops, but I now find myself with four jobs. Four. Who does this? Me, I guess. In an effort to whored away money, I have picked up a second job working at World Market. Which I love, and I thought one day, "Hey, it would be fun to work here." And then it happened. Meanwhile, I also found a gig as a personal assistant for a busy executive and thought, "Hey, this would be fun." And it happened. And I have been a puppy sitter on the weekends for over a year now. So life as I once knew it is gone.

And I love it.

I feel that I have had to teach myself responsibility with all of this extra workload. Instead of coming home and doing nothing, I have to get certain things done and I force myself to do them. So I actually find myself more productive now.

In addition, I have decided that to start exercising a lot more. I have no excuse anymore and I just want to feel better. I have a fabulous free gym at work and a nice free gym down the street so why the heck not. So, now I workout after work and take yoga on Thursdays (at 6-frickin-o'clock in the morning) and do workout videos as well.

This is a great way to learn how to juggle... life.
And now, for my final trick... I am going to return to blogging!! :)

(heck, what is one more thing to juggle?)