Monday, May 19, 2008

How I: Read Magazines

Addiction: 100/366, originally uploaded by BAD BAB.

I love magazines. I am pretty addicted to them. My all time favorite is Real Simple, they didn't deliver the May issue to me and I have been lost. My BFF calls Real Simple my porn because I get so excited about it!

But I love Shape Magazine, InStyle, People - Style Watch, and Martha Stewart. I also love all the men's magazines like Details, Men's Vogue, Esquire and so on.

Anyhow, this may be a boring "How I" but maybe you will enjoy it.

This is how I read a magazine.

-When I first get a magazine I can't wait to sit down and dissect it. I walk around like a kid who knows that they have delicious candy in their pocket and they can't wait to go in their room and eat it.

-I try not to start my first read of the magazine unless I know I have enough time to finish the whole thing.

-The first time I go through the magazine I just tag the pages of interesting articles. I promise myself that I can't read anything until I go through tagging the whole magazine.

-Then once I get everything tagged, if I have time I will go through a second time to read any articles that I am just dying to read, otherwise I wait until I have more time later to go through the whole magazine again.

-I think continue to re-read the magazine for the next month. Tagging more pages and checking out websites from the magazine. For that month, I am obsessed with that magazine.

This idea came to me while I was reading a magazine because I am so particular about it.