Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day One: Juice Cleanse

Okay, so its 6:30pm and Day One of the Three Day Juice Cleanse. 

I am mildly starving.

I have been keeping myself busy with project around the house (cleaning the rug that now smells like dog pee thank to this guy, deep conditioning my hair, giving myself a pedicure, finding an outfit to wear to a black-tie event tomorrow evening, reading every fashion magazine in my house because Real Simple has too many delish recipes that I started to realize how hungry I really was, preparing to wake up early and be at work at 6am for an event, and, oh yeah, drinking juice like its my frickin job!)

Yeah, I even popped open a soy chocolate protein drink in church because I was so starving. 

I just keep reminding myself of three things to refocus my efforts:
-I ate a lot of crap in Arizona and I want to cleanse my body
-that I spent a whole heck of a lot of money on juice and now I am broke until Thursday
-that its only three days and I am being a little brat

Sooo... I am going to get back to starving while you all eat your delish dinners and read this post. Thanks. 


EMiller7 said...

you should be proud of yourself! being busy helps i bet:)