(I took this pic during a sunrise by the cherry blossoms.)
First off, I love God. I feel that He and I have a really good relationship. A friendship, maybe. Mostly since we both love to laugh together. I think that God and I find the same things pretty funny. One thing we love to laugh about is my life. Sometimes it is pretty silly.
I feel that God speaks to me pretty clearly sometimes too. (I think He knows that I am a terrible listener.) Anyhow, when He wants me to know something He sure makes Himself clear. Then we laugh about that too.
For instance, I am struggling with a lot right now. (I am also reading Eat, Pray, Love but that is another post at a later date.) One thing that I am struggling with (aside from not having a job and little income) is that I am starting to worry about finding the right person, falling in love, getting married, etc. I was driving the other day and came to the conclusion that The Dude is still awesome. I mean truly a great person. And I have learned so much from him. One thing is that I need to stop selling myself short when it comes to guys. The right one is out there. I don't need to lower my standards, or my morals, or settle for just any guy. I also don't need a make-out buddy on speed dial. I can live without all of those things.
And, you know who taught me that?
The Dude.
Well, maybe it was God. Since He did put The Dude in my life just at the right time.
Anyhow, so I come to this conclusion and I am happy with it. Then I walk into my house and open up Eat, Pray, Love and read this "He says, 'This is not your true match. Be patient.'" Umm, thanks God for the obvious confirmation of my conclusion. And then we both have a little laugh.
Anyhow, try it. I think God is a funny person. Try finding things in your life to laugh with God about. I do it almost every time I drop something, trip or whatever.
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Oh, one more thing. I really don't know how I feel about being a "Fan" of God on Facebook. Are those people who are "Fans" getting Facebook updates on God that I am missing out on? Hmm.
Do you think that He will ask me at the pearly gates, "Hey, that Fan request sat in your Facebook inbox for two weeks. You can just wait out here until I decide to let you in." Yeah, I don't think so.
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Okay, last thing. I was chatting with one of my favorite friends the other day and he told me this, "While I was in India, I met this missionary who kinda laughed at how we view God. He said, 'You believe that God's path/love is a tightrope that you can easily fall off of, even without trying. We believe that God's path/love is a river. You can't fall out of a river. You have to purposely get up and walk out of it.'"
Isn't that a cool way of looking at it? :)