Wednesday, April 29, 2009

To Do: Get PREGO

from here

Twins for SJP, without the pregnancy!

Well, we just can’t squeal loud enough.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick’speople have told the AP that the couple is expecting the birth of twin daughters this summer through a surrogate pregnancy.

The couple already has one son. But twin girls! Imagine how loud Kristin Davis will scream when she hears the news.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"This hat is fabulous...fabulous!!!!"

***Any true Sex and the City fans will know what I am talking about.

This post is for my best friend Erin! I love you!!

How To Gauge My Mood:

Count how many of these you find in my trash can...

A small bag full: bad day
A small handful: good day

Here is a story...

This is my friend:

This is not a true story about him:

One sunny day in 2009 an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue , where he’d been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, ‘I would like to go in and meet with President Bush. The Marine looked at the man and said, ‘Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here.’ The old man said, ‘Okay’ and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, ‘I would like to go in and meet with President Bush. ‘The Marine again told the man, ‘Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here.’ The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U. S. Marine, saying ‘I would like to go in and meet with President Bush. ‘The Marine, somewhat agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, ‘Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I’ve told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don’t you understand? ‘The old man looked at the Marine and said, ‘Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it.’

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, ’See you tomorrow.’

This is what is made to look like my friend said this...

Doesn't that suck?

I Have Taken A South African Lover...

Ohhkay, not really. But I just love saying that. 

Today as I was enjoying the beautiful DC weather out at Hains Point (which I love and spend all my free time. watching the sun set. watching the plans take off at Reagan National Airport. looking at the beautiful homes at Ft. McNair. Watching the helicopters fly over the Potomac. Most of all, just enjoying life.)

Anyhow, I was laying out reading (and finishing) Eat, Pray, Love and this handsome chunk of a man's man comes over after catching a huge fish and we say hello. Then on his way back from dropping the fish off he stops, introduces himself, and kisses my hand. 

I do believe its love. 

To Do: Want

I want this apron. 

I mean, I am officially a home-maker. :)

I found it over at SaucyApron's Mother's Day Wish List. Check it out here

Friday, April 24, 2009

To Do: Bake

First off, Saucy Apron is my new favorite recipe blog! I love these simple, family friendly meal ideas that she posts.

This carrot bread is my favorite!!

Check out more at

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Obama's New Dog

I know I am behind the grid here but I just wanted to share this clip.

How cute!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To Do: Try

You need to try this. It will change your life!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

To Do: Thank God

(I took this pic during a sunrise by the cherry blossoms.)

First off, I love God. I feel that He and I have a really good relationship. A friendship, maybe. Mostly since we both love to laugh together. I think that God and I find the same things pretty funny. One thing we love to laugh about is my life. Sometimes it is pretty silly. 

I feel that God speaks to me pretty clearly sometimes too. (I think He knows that I am a terrible listener.) Anyhow, when He wants me to know something He sure makes Himself clear. Then we laugh about that too. 

For instance, I am struggling with a lot right now. (I am also reading Eat, Pray, Love but that is another post at a later date.) One thing that I am struggling with (aside from not having a job and little income) is that I am starting to worry about finding the right person, falling in love, getting married, etc. I was driving the other day and came to the conclusion that The Dude is still awesome. I mean truly a great person. And I have learned so much from him. One thing is that I need to stop selling myself short when it comes to guys. The right one is out there. I don't need to lower my standards, or my morals, or settle for just any guy. I also don't need a make-out buddy on speed dial. I can live without all of those things. 
And, you know who taught me that? 

The Dude. 

Well, maybe it was God. Since He did put The Dude in my life just at the right time. 

Anyhow, so I come to this conclusion and I am happy with it. Then I walk into my house and open up Eat, Pray, Love and read this "He says, 'This is not your true match. Be patient.'" Umm, thanks God for the obvious confirmation of my conclusion. And then we both have a little laugh. 

Anyhow, try it. I think God is a funny person. Try finding things in your life to laugh with God about. I do it almost every time I drop something, trip or whatever. 

--- --- ---

Oh, one more thing. I really don't know how I feel about being a "Fan" of God on Facebook. Are those people who are "Fans" getting Facebook updates on God that I am missing out on? Hmm. 

Do you think that He will ask me at the pearly gates, "Hey, that Fan request sat in your Facebook inbox for two weeks. You can just wait out here until I decide to let you in." Yeah, I don't think so. 

--- --- ---

Okay, last thing. I was chatting with one of my favorite friends the other day and he told me this, "While I was in India, I met this missionary who kinda laughed at how we view God. He said, 'You believe that God's path/love is a tightrope that you can easily fall off of, even without trying. We believe that God's path/love is a river. You can't fall out of a river. You have to purposely get up and walk out of it.'"

Isn't that a cool way of looking at it? :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

To Do: Found

So... I have been on hiatus.

I needed it. I needed to find myself again. I think I lost myself around the same time that I lost my job. Maybe a little before.

Anyhow, there was some point that I decided I was just not going to worry about me and I put all the pressure on The Dude. I kinda used him as a crutch. For the first time in my life I decided that I didn't need to hold myself up on my own but I could just lean on someone else. Not just lean, but allow myself to be completely held up by someone else. I think I lost myself a little bit in him.

We are just friends. I need a good friend.

I lost myself. To the point that if I were to look in the mirror I wouldn't recognize myself.

I figure that you have to hit rock bottom before you things can get better. Well I hit rock bottom around the begining of the month. The Dude and I had a fall out. My phone finally kicked the bucket and things were just not good. I decided that I was going to give myself 4 days. 4 days to just be miserable. 4 days to cry and to sleep. Then I had to get over it all.

And I did. With Jury Duty. Not just any jury duty tho. DC Jury Duty. With no phone. Plus one mid-day fire drill. Awesome. That was the day that sucked but all I could do was laugh. out loud. to myself. walking down a stairwell. during a fire drill. with hundreds of strangers.

From then on it all got better.

I have had a few more job leads. (still no job). but things are looking up.

I feel like I finally found me. Still putting the pieces back together. But I can see the old me sprouting up like the spring flowers.

Anyhow, I plan to get back to blogging. I just needed a little time to remind myself who I was. So, thank you. For sticking with me. :)

To Do: Paint

So, I have been bored and I hated the back wall of my kitchen.

I had black paint and I had white paint. I mixed them together and whatever color came out I was going to paint the back wall.

I love it!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

To Do: Make

Check out this cute Candy Sushi spotted over at i swannee.

This weekend I made these for Easter.