(taken my me at Hains Point)
Two things have been running through my mind lately.
Two things have been running through my mind lately.
"We plan and God laughs."
Since I had made plans in my head to keep this whole week open so that I can lay out at Hains Point and read in the sun. So what happens? It rains. All. Week.
The other... comes from Eat, Pray, Love
"Saint Anthony once wrote about having gone into the desert on silent retreat and being assaulted by all manner of visions-- devils and angels, both. He said, in his solitude, he sometimes encountered devils who looked like angels, and other times he found angels who looked like devils. When asked how he could tell the difference, the saint said that you can only tell which is which by the way that you feel after the creature has left your company. If you are appalled, he said, then it was a devil who just visited you. If you feel lightened, it was an angel."
Isn't that a need thought. I started to adapt this to the relationships in my own life. Who leaves me feeling better and who leaves me feeling worse. Can you talk about some Spring Cleaning....
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