Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Please Remember: Maj. Gen. David Wherley and Mrs. Wherley

I didn't think that I would really be effected by the DC Metro crash until I heard about Gen. Wherley and his wife. 

I have a friend who is up at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and he is going through a long recovery. Gen. Wherley would come up to visit my friend all the time. He really got my friend involved in some programs for Wounded Warriors. 

From what I am learning about Gen. Wherley and his wife, it seems like they devoted their lives to helping others. Not only did they volunteer at Walter Reed all the time but they also started programs for DC Youth. 

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcwashington.com/video.


kadler said...

This was so tragic. You never imagine something like this happening - in DC of all places!