from Two Ellie.
"I would rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck" - Emma Goldman
I love this quote.
I have a friend who received a pearl necklace from her husband for Christmas and she asked him very kindly if he wouldn't mind if she returned them and bought a pearl beach cruiser bike instead. Its so cute, her bike seriously is a pearl bike. And I love it.
You know, someone once told me that you should spend your money making memories.
I remember a talk in church on Mother's Day, the guys said that every year his mother would set aside money for a family vacation. When he thinks back to his childhood he remembers those memories of their family vacations. He said that he is sure that his mother would have loved to redo a bathroom or have a new kitchen but her 4 sons wouldn't have told her, "Hey mom, I am so happy that we had the nicest kitchen on the block."
It just reminds me that it is the small things in life that matter.
Haha, love that story. Not sure if I'd do the same, though :)
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