five bucks that John picks Mitt!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
To Do: Betcha
Posted by this one at Friday, August 29, 2008 1 comments
Labels: mccain, romney, urgh this may become a political blog
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
To Do: Find Boyfriend
Software development Services, Custom business software application firm, originally uploaded by killer_pat_007.
Okay, so I was just in the restroom examining my decision (a bad one) not to wear make-up to work today. Yeah, I look tan and my skin looks clean & clear, but a little make-up never hurt anyone.
Then I thought, I am going home this weekend. I NEED A BOYFRIEND ASAP to avoid that dreaded question from old friends and family, "Are you seeing anyone?"
I hate that question. But I hate that answer more.
I do have some potential boys in the mix, but nothing special. So, I need to fake it until I make it.
***Public Service Announcement:
I am currently taking applications to be my boyfriend for the week.
Applicants must provide:
-a resume
-financial records of stability
-church records
-your valid pilot's licence or boat licence
Posted by this one at Tuesday, August 26, 2008 4 comments
Labels: guys
Out of touch?
Check out this dude cooking corn. Look familiar? Yeah, that's my candidate. I really don't think that he is as "out-of-touch" with the American people as somebody would have you think.
Take another look around. That's his kitchen. Nothing too fancy. Just simple.
Don't believe me. Check this one out...
That is just your average kitchen, my friends.
***Now, I am not saying that since he has an average kitchen you should vote for this guy, I AM SAYING... that you need to read past all the hype from both candidates and find the truth for yourself. This is a campaign, they are suppose to point out (and exaggerate) the flaws of their opposition. But its our job to read a little more into it all. That's all. Thanks.
(Images from McCain Bloggette, check it out!!)
Posted by this one at Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
My Feeling On Crocs...
I love you... I just don't have to like you right now.
Sir, I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this. I am sure that you just finished a long bike ride or something but please, dont let this happen again. I will cancel the black socks with shorts out because you are wearing a hat with Barney on it. That's kinda cute. Okay.
And you did take time to wave to the reporters who you knew would plaster this picture everyone. That was nice of you.
***Note to everyone else: Crocs should be left at home. They are not shoes. I am sure that they serve a purpose while hiking or something but that's about it. I saw way to many people at the beach this weekend with Crocs. I bet they were from New Jersey or somewhere like that.
Posted by this one at Monday, August 25, 2008 2 comments
Labels: crocs, president bush, urgh this may become a political blog
Friday, August 22, 2008
To Do: Blog
So, I am sure that everyone has been wondering why I haven't been blogging.

Posted by this one at Friday, August 22, 2008 1 comments
I love doing something special for someone and no one knowing about it.
Its the best feeling in the world. I hope it makes them happy!
Posted by this one at Friday, August 22, 2008 0 comments
To Do: Celebrate!
Woooo hooo! Ben's Chili Bowl (a famous DC establishment) is celebrating 50 Wonderful Years!
Anyone who is ANYONE eats here - from Martin Luther King Jr. to Chris Rock to Bill Crosby.
Ben's has been around DC since 1958 when the U Street Corridor was known as the Black Broadway!
It even survived the riots after MLK's death. Ben's is truly a landmark here in DC.
Congrats Ben!!! (and family)
Check out more here and more pics here. Image from here.
Posted by this one at Friday, August 22, 2008 1 comments
Labels: dc
Thursday, August 21, 2008
To Do: Arizona
I am so pumped. I miss Arizona so much. I haven't been home since Christmas and that was only for like 4 days.
I was talking to a co-worker who is also from Arizona and he was showing me pictures of his recent trip home of his ranch. It got me homesick. So I booked a flight and had my (retired) parents rearrange their travels for me. (thanks again!)
I look forward to:
-Prescott (its pronounced pres-kit) with my Beaver and going out on Whiskey Row. And seeing all my political family there.
-Flagstaff with Tyler, maybe seeing the Grand Canyon, maybe going kayaking like we talked about last night. Who knows.
-Scottsdale with Ryan and Casey. Oh, I love you boys. I can't wait to laugh with you and talk about old times.
-home with the family, since you did rearrange your vacation at the last minute since I got home sick.
-seeing you, and you, and you.
I am just so excited. I want to see everyone. Ill be home Aug 30th - Sept 7th. Yay!!
Posted by this one at Thursday, August 21, 2008 3 comments
Labels: az, remembering arizona
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dear NeiNei
Posted by this one at Tuesday, August 19, 2008 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
100 Things About Me
***I saw this on someones blog and I have been working on it for a while... enjoy
I am a walking contradiction
I hate onions
I get grossed out by feet
I love Morgan Freeman
I want to be a morning person
I try to only wear black or white
I love my childhood
I can find humor in almost anything
I want to travel to Iraq to help those kiddos
I live in DC, pretty much in the center of the world :)
I think that I should read more books
I love my parents, all four of them
I am a total flirt
I am a moderate Republican
I am starting to think that I would like a pearl engagement ring rather than a diamond
I try not to miss breakfast but I rarely eat dinner
I love astronomy, I take after my dad
I try not to drink soda, but I recently fell in love with Ginger Ale
I don’t like chocolate
I love winter and fall
I love to make people happy
I want to have a huge family, all adopted too
I am from a very small town in northern Arizona
I am not a good cook but I am trying to learn
I love the Golden Rule and try to follow it
I love raunchy rap music
I would only marry a man who can fix things himself
I keep a list of things I want to do in my life
I didn’t eat meat for 10 years, now I love it
I am perfectionist and demand a lot from people
I can still wear white on my wedding day
I love learning about history
I need to travel more than I do
I have a lot of "best friends"
I love baking cupcakes for people
I love Havaianas flip flops
I like being challenged at work and enjoy demanding positions
I love having guy friends
I love making things look pretty
I want to buy a kayak
I plan to travel the world… someday soon
I want to own a cupcake shop
I wanna live in New York City at some point
I don’t have a goal in life, just a checklist of things to do
I am very conservative
I am a Sagittarius
I have six piercings
I cry every time I hear the National Anthem
I would like to live in Alaska
I enjoy planning events
I want to learn everything about everything
I love seafood
I am an only child with 15 brothers and sisters
I joined the LDS church when I was 15, I am the only person in my family that is Mormon
I hate it when people label-drop or name-drop
I figure that God gives us lessons for a reason, we better learn from them
I dance like Ellen
I am a work-a-holic and I love being challenged
I want a white Range Rover
I love learning about the White House and the Presidents who have lived there
I have a thing for Marines
I live my life looking forward, I rarely look back
I get motion sick very easily
I want a boat, something classic
I can't nap, I get really grumpy
I want to have a simple home when I grow up
I have a Jeep, I love it
I live by the book, "He's Just Not That Into You"
I love the smell of gasoline
I giggle every time I get into my bed at night
I won't marry a guy unless he takes his plate into the kitchen after eating
I am an optimist
I love summer nights
I want to kiss a stranger someday
I can only sleep when its cold
I want to become a avid runner
I am pretty confident and rarely get nervous
I rarely answer my cell phone
I went to a party school (ASU) but I don't drink (and never have)
I am terrible at keeping in touch with people
I love the Fourth of July
I love stationary
I love wearing skirts
I believe in soul mates
I love learning about interesting places around the world
I have a tattoo
I will not ever date a married man or a guy that I work with
I enjoy volunteering
I love redheads
I cut my own hair for 10 years, it was cute
I am pretty much a tomboy
I love girlie things though
I love Johnny Cash and his love story with June
I lived in Arizona all my life, until I moved to DC
I once wanted to be a plumber when I was younger
I have started to love seafood
I have met President Bush and President Clinton
I always have had short hair
I am like my blog - a collection of things I like and try to re-create
I live my life by one thought, "when I am 70 sitting on my porch, what will mean the most to me?"
Posted by this one at Monday, August 18, 2008 3 comments
Labels: ramblings
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
What I Am Listening To:
I saw this the other day and it made me want to hear more of this.
also listening to:
A Millie - Lil Wayne
Handlebars - Flobots
This City's A Mess - Said The Whale (love the video, will post more about this later)
Posted by this one at Friday, August 15, 2008 1 comments
Labels: music
Personal Update:
this one went on a little date last night.
it was pretty fun. really casual.
we went and had pizza and then went to watch tennis. I have never watched tennis before but watching Roddick is a great way to get hooked on the game (but a bad thing to watch on a date!)
overall... it was fun.
Posted by this one at Friday, August 15, 2008 1 comments
To Do: Support Our Olympians
I think this is cute.
I don't want to make this (anymore of) a political blog, but I think these quotes are really precious. I know there was a lot of controversy about the President attending the Olympics games in China but I think that it showed our Olympians that all of the USA was standing behind them cheering them on and hoping for their success and that they were just going there as US Olympians but that they were truly representin' America.
Michael Phelps (Swimming): "Afterwards, I looked up and saw President Bush
giving me the thumbs-up and holding the American flag." "That was pretty
cool." (Simon Barnes, "Phelps Proves He Is In A World Of His Own, Times Online
[UK], 8/11/08)
Kobe Bryant (Basketball): "For our president to come
to watch us play the game and try to bring back the gold medal makes it even
more significant." "This means the entire country is rallying around this
kind of road to redemption theme that we have." ("Bush Looking To Instill
Patriotism In NBA Hoopsters," Agence France-Presse, 8/7/08)
Larsen Jensen (Swimming): "The President is watching, it's time to step it up." "There is no greater honor as an athlete to compete in front of the President."
(Aimee Berg, "Olympic Notebook #1 – Presidential Visits," TeamUSA Blog,
Sylvia Fowles (Basketball): "[T]hat our President was out
here was good ... Now I feel like an Olympian." (Doug Feinberg, "President Bush
Watches US Rout Czech In Opener," The Associated Press,
LeBron James (Basketball): "It's not every day you
get to play in front of a president and a king." (Jeff Duncan, "Star-Studded
Audience Sees U.S. Women Cruise," The Times-Picayune [LA],
Dwyane Wade (Basketball): "We get support of our
president. That means a lot. That means a lot of people ... back home want
us to succeed." "So we have to go out there and play like we're
representing the US of A. If we do that ... we'll win it." (Paul
Alexander, "Bush Gives Pep Talks To US Olympians In Beijing," The Associated
Lisa Leslie (Basketball): "It was awesome." "It's an
honor that he came out and watched us perform and that he is a fan of the
women's basketball." (Doug Feinberg, "President Bush Watches US Rout Czech In
Opener," The Associated Press, 8/10/08)
Chris Bosh (Basketball): "It was just a thrill to have the leader of our country there." "It was pretty patriotic for us and for the citizens all across the world who are United States citizens." (Parke Brewer, "US Men's Olympic Basketball Team Beats
China," Voice Of America, 8/10/08)
Candace Parker (Basketball): "[I]t was great for him to come and support us." (Alastair Himmer, "Basketball – Bush Treated To U.S. Razzle-Dazzle," Reuters, 8/9/08)
Kerri Walsh (Beach Volleyball): "What an honor." "He's just a great sports fan
and he exudes optimism and pride in his country. We know he's proud of us. ... I
think if he'd take his shoes off, he'd be a stud." ("Beach Volleyball Players
Get Opportunity To Sweat, Set With President Bush," The Associated Press,
Taylor Teagarden (Baseball): "He kind of surprised me, the
other night, at Opening Ceremonies he made that appearance and it was
unbelievable." "He came up to me and he knew who I was, having played at
Texas and him and his family having ties there, so that was awesome. I'm a big
fan of his, so it was pretty exciting." ("President Bush Visits With U.S.
Olympic Baseball Team Before Exhibition Game With Chine,",
Baseball Manager Davey Johnson: "We are all honored he
came by and everyone was feeling great and we had a lot of energy when he was
here." "I think everybody got to talk to him, and got a signed ball or
took a picture with him. He was very gracious. Everybody on the ball club was
very impressed. Now our work begins. The fun and games are over and now our work begins." ("President Bush Visits With U.S. Olympic Baseball Team Before
Exhibition Game With Chine,", 8/11/08)
Jake Arrieta (Baseball): "I was shocked to meet him at first and a little nervous." "It was great that he was able to come out here and say hi individually to all of us. We got to take photos with him and it is nice to have the support like that, especially on an individual basis. I know he is extremely busy but for him to take the time out
of his schedule and spend a little bit of time with us, is very special."
("President Bush Visits With U.S. Olympic Baseball Team Before Exhibition
Game With China,", 8/11/08)· "It was nice to have a little bit of a conversation with him." "My family is going to be jealous and it is something I'll remember for a long time."
Misty May-Treanor (Beach Volleyball): "We've got to get him
some shorts and a tank top." "Give him a little more time and he'll be
good." ("Beach Volleyball Players Get Opportunity To Sweat, Set With President
Bush," The Associated Press, 8/9/08)
Phil Dalhausser (Beach Volleyball): "He said, 'Oh, Big Guy, I know you don't like them, but they [photographers] follow me everywhere.'" "He's very charismatic." ("Beach Volleyball Players Get Opportunity To Sweat, Set With President Bush," The Associated Press, 8/9/08)
Laura Berg (Softball) (after leaving a chalk hand-print on the President's back): "I think that might actually get me into the prank hall of fame. You can't get any better than pranking the most powerful man in the world." "I had it planned the whole time. He didn't know about it until (catcher) Stacey Nuveman told him. Fortunately, he was a good sport about it. I was a little worried about the Secret Service for a minute." (Tom Withers, "US Team's Laura Berg Still Having A Ball,", 8/11/08)
"The Olympics] exceeded my expectations. ... I think the highlight was
getting my picture taken with the teams. ... They were so gracious, and
grateful, and excited. It's just a very energetic feeling. You know, they
represent the best of U.S. athletics. And they were really excited about their
events, and they're full of hope. It was just a very uplifting experience." –
President George W. Bush, 8/11/08
check out more here. view the slideshow on the right.
Posted by this one at Friday, August 15, 2008 0 comments
Labels: president bush, urgh this may become a political blog
Thursday, August 14, 2008
New Favorite Blog: Shorpy
This is the East Room of the White House circa 1920 during what looks like a summer renovation. Found it here. It has a lot of historic pictures of Washington, D.C.
Pret...ty cool.
(I found this blog via A Room Somewhere.)
Posted by this one at Thursday, August 14, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
To Do: Travel (Vegas Style)
Things I am considering... here.
Posted by this one at Wednesday, August 13, 2008 0 comments
Labels: travel
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
To Do: Tan
Since I finally have cable, I watch a lot of trashy TV. Its who I am.
This means a lot of E! and Bravo.
Which means I watched Sunset Tan this weekend.
Meet "The Olly Girls" - Holly and Molly. I love "The Olly Girls!"
Point being... I decided to get tan again. (Now, I am from Arizona. Arizona is pretty "West Coast" and we like our bleach blonde hair and fake tans. Sorry)
So I went kayaking and got a little natural sun. Then I did the "Fake-n-Bake" thing. Then I did the spray tan thing. Now I am tan. Very tan.
AND... I keep getting compliments. Sooo... let the tans begin. Fake it until you make it. :)
Posted by this one at Tuesday, August 12, 2008 1 comments
To Do: Be Happy for the Rest of Your Life
(you are welcome for the image, found here)
I love that song "If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife." (I plan on playing this song for my husband everyday once I am married so that he will be reminded how lucky he is to have me!)
But this article says otherwise. I guess its the opposite. If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a hot guy your husband (in my mind I made this rhyme.)
I woke up to talk radio (WRFK, or something) this morning (maybe that's why this has been a bum day) and they were discussing this. But they were all guys and didn't have the token female DJ to chime in and bring legitimacy to the convo.
Truth is, I think its true. If you date a guy who is hotter than you, you will always worry that he will cheat on you. But if you date an "un-hot" guy who worships you then you will have a better marriage.
Hmmmm. I still want the hit guy though. Lets be honest.
Posted by this one at Tuesday, August 12, 2008 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
How Do You Explain This?
“she's got her hands up on her knees and then her 'bows on her thighs”
Update: I got an email about this from a co-worker he says... Its called "presenting."
Posted by this one at Monday, August 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: president bush
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Weekend Round Up:
I haven't been too good about resting on Sundays...
Posted by this one at Sunday, August 10, 2008 1 comments
Labels: weekend
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I Have Fallen Deeply In Love:
...with the new Harris Teeter on Capitol Hill.
here is the entrance...
here are their stocked shelves...
(images from here)
I have been going to the "Unsafe Safeway" (read more here) for a little too long and I did not realize that a grocery store can have stocked shelves AND even have the products that you need (some of the time!)
Needless to say, I was speechless when I walked in to the new Harris Teeter.
-There was a produce section WITH produce in it.
-They had new products. Like things I would see in ads but never dream of seeing in real life.
-AND competent cashiers!!! I was shocked!!
I went over to Customer Service and signed up for a coupon card. I am in love!!
Posted by this one at Wednesday, August 06, 2008 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
To Do: Find a Marine
I went to the Marine Barracks again on Friday.
Yeah, so I am slightly obsessed.
I went to an event there with a co-worker. And I have decided that I would like a marine of my very own.
So what if I drove around the barracks a few times this weekend looking around. Scoping out the merchandise. Yes.
The Marine Ball in in November. And I am bound determined to be some one's date.
Thank. You. Very. Much!
Posted by this one at Monday, August 04, 2008 1 comments
To Do: While Living In DC
- Check out restaurant week
- Join Junior League - Join Madison DC
- Start a Ladies Activity Club
- Attend more free Kennedy Center events
- Hike the Appalachian Trail
- Go ice skating in the Sculpture Garden
- Go kayaking in G-town
- Check out some bike trails
- Explore Rock Creek Park more
- Do a 5k run
- Go to the Beach/camp on the beach
- Check out Panther Falls
- Ride Harper's Ferry
- Go to Virginia Beach
- Check out the National Cathedral
- Check out the (Beach) exhibit in the National Art Gallery
- Check out the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
- Go to the Holocaust Museum
- Check out Gettysburg
- Check out Hershey's Park
- Go to the top of the Washington Monument
- Hike to the top of the Capitol Dome
- Go to a DC United game
- Attend a Wizards game
- Attend more Nationals Games
- Volunteer at Walter Reed
- Sign up for Avon Walk
- Go to the DC Temple
- Go to Annapolis more
- Learn sign language
Posted by this one at Monday, August 04, 2008 1 comments
Labels: dc to do
Morgan Freeman
There are a few things that you should know about me...
I hate onions. I get grossed out by feet. and I love Morgan Freeman!
He was injured in a car accident last night and is listed in serious condition.
Read more here.
I am praying that everything is alright. I love him too much!!
Posted by this one at Monday, August 04, 2008 0 comments
To Do: Buy Magazines
I think that I will buy this. Just to buy it.
Posted by this one at Monday, August 04, 2008 0 comments
Things I Did Today (Part 1 1/2)
I have more pictures but Ill post them later tonight.
Posted by this one at Monday, August 04, 2008 2 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Things I Did Today (Part One)
Posted by this one at Sunday, August 03, 2008 1 comments
Consider this...
1- I have some hot friends
2- They have some hot looks that I need
lets consider my bff (beaver) here...

Posted by this one at Sunday, August 03, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I Found The Key To World Peace...
What if we all had to carry around bunches of balloons where ever we went?
How could anyone be mad with these??
Posted by this one at Saturday, August 02, 2008 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Things That I Find Interesting...
a little glimpse of Air Force One...
Posted by this one at Friday, August 01, 2008 1 comments
Labels: work