Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I want everyone to know that deep within all my emotions today...

I am proud.

I am proud of our citizens - our country is great because of us, not just our government.

I am proud to see our great nation elect the First African-American President. I am proud to see a man achieve his dream - the American dream. I am proud to be a part of history.

I am proud of John McCain for fighting a good fight.

I am proud of our soldiers. I am proud of all that they do all over the world. I am proud of their sacrifices. I am proud of all the good that they have done and the battles they have fought for us.

I am proud of President Bush. I am proud that he has stood up for what he believes in. I am proud to work for him.

I am proud to be an American. I am proud to know that we can cast our vote and participate in our amazing government.


EMiller7 said...

Amen girl!