Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To Do: Try New Things

I made it!!

I used a pre-packaged pie crust, which is fine, but I forgot to cook it a little bit. :)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To Do: Be Happy

I am totally re-posting this from La La Lovely... I just loved it so much!!!

Or as they say in the Twitter World.... RT.

I read this (below), last week, over at Anita Kaushal's blog and think it is utterly fabulous. I think its something we should read everyday!  It's like a dose of preventative medicine, that is sure to keep us young and alive and full of a delicious life. 

I have been thinking about life lately. You know, the kind of living where you don't really live. You sourly just exist. From here to there, A to B and if you are lucky there might just be a little excitement in the middle. Well, I'm getting kind of tired of that. Tired of not doing things because I am afraid. Afraid of failing, afraid of getting hurt, afraid I'll not be good enough, afraid people won't like me (or what I'm doing), afraid I won't know how to do what I need to or want to do, and the list goes on.  But with out a doubt, I don't believe my life was meant to be small. . . The smallness you feel comes from within you.  Your lives AREN'T small, but your living them in a small way.  Open up your lives and LIVE openly and expansively (2 Cor 6:11-13, the Message).  People that live like this truly live and those that don't miss out on a lot of life and I don't want to be one of those people.  

The Optimist Creed
by Christian Larson

Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.
To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and
too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

{image via Flickr}

To Do: Keep Fresh Flowers

from Two Ellie
"I would rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck" - Emma Goldman

I love this quote. 

I have a friend who received a pearl necklace from her husband for Christmas and she asked him very kindly if he wouldn't mind if she returned them and bought a pearl beach cruiser bike instead. Its so cute, her bike seriously is a pearl bike. And I love it. 

You know, someone once told me that you should spend your money making memories. 

I remember a talk in church on Mother's Day, the guys said that every year his mother would set aside money for a family vacation. When he thinks back to his childhood he remembers those memories of their family vacations. He said that he is sure that his mother would have loved to redo a bathroom or have a new kitchen but her 4 sons wouldn't have told her, "Hey mom, I am so happy that we had the nicest kitchen on the block."

It just reminds me that it is the small things in life that matter. 

Please Remember: Maj. Gen. David Wherley and Mrs. Wherley

I didn't think that I would really be effected by the DC Metro crash until I heard about Gen. Wherley and his wife. 

I have a friend who is up at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and he is going through a long recovery. Gen. Wherley would come up to visit my friend all the time. He really got my friend involved in some programs for Wounded Warriors. 

From what I am learning about Gen. Wherley and his wife, it seems like they devoted their lives to helping others. Not only did they volunteer at Walter Reed all the time but they also started programs for DC Youth. 

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcwashington.com/video.

Monday, June 29, 2009

To Do: Make

I want to make THIS featured over at Urban Grace Interiors today. Yummy!!

Mom's Fruit Pizza

(makes 2 pizzas)

Pizza Crust:

1/2 C. butter, softened

1/2 C. Crisco (butter flavor)

1-1/2 C. sugar

2 eggs

2-3/4 C. Flour

2 t. cream of tartar

1 t. baking soda

1/4 t. salt


16 oz. cream cheese

1 C. sugar

2 t. milk

Assorted fresh fruit.  I used raspberries, strawberries, bananas, peaches, kiwi, and blueberries.  I tossed the bananas and the peaches in lemon juice to prevent oxidation (browning).

Pecans for top (optional).


Cream butter and shortening together, add sugar.  Beat in eggs.  Stir in dry ingredients.  Grease 2 pizza pans (mine were 12").  (Refrigerating the dough prior to spreading makes it easier.) Spread dough on pizza pans and bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes.  Cool completely.

Cream together all ingredients for filling and spread on cooled crusts. 

Top with fresh fruit and pecans.

To Do: Try It!!

Okay, so awhile ago I decided that I would try Proactiv...

...it was like my face new what was coming and it exploded in breakouts. Like seriously, the worst breakout I have had in... like... ever!!!

So, I zapped the hell out of my face with this Proactiv. It seems to be really working. 

Try it. Seriously!!

Accessory of the Day:

I would never have purchased this if I saw it in a store but I have a friend who has one and it looks super cute on. Plus, the beads kinda glow in the sun so it looks super fun too. 

I could imagine wearing this with a super casual outfit or with a nice summer dress. 

Found it at J-Crew

Sunday, June 28, 2009

To Do: Listen

Because I am too cheap to download this song from iTunes, I figured I would just post it on my blog so that we can all listen to it together. 

You are welcome. :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Currently Loving:

It leaves your skin soft and glowing. 

Plus, I can't get enough of the smell. Perfect for summer. 

And this is all coming from a girl who HATES putting on lotion. 

To Do: Post-It

another cool video...

To Do: Laugh

If you haven't seen these yet, then it is due time. 

ps- these aren't in anyway appropriate though. 

1, 2, 3... get ready to laugh!!

Real Housewives of NY

Real Housewives of NJ

To Do: Stand Strong

This picture is of my favorite building in Washington, DC. 

Just a little old house that the city builds up around. 

Check out this website for the more awesome photos. :)

I love it because it reminds me of this book. 

I loved this book as a kid. 


Sorry, I forgot where I saw this. But I do love it. 


Accessory of the Day:

I first saw this style over at Natalie Hill's blog and it has been stuck in my head ever since. 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Accessory of the Day:

nothing is better than a classic.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

To Do:

dancing with myself, originally uploaded by .Surya..

I wanna be my own person.
I wanna sing in the shower more.
I wanna quit worrying about what others think.
I wanna dance where ever I go.
I wanna be strong.
I want a guy who swoops me off my feet.
I wanna workout more.
I wanna laugh about everything.
I wanna sing more karaoke.
I wanna shoot a gun.
I wanna go horseback riding.
I wanna eat healthier.
I wanna read more books.
I wanna learn to run daily.
I wanna be a better me.


Anyone who know me (or reads this blog) should know that I L-O-V-E our troops.

In fact, I am blogging while volunteering at the USO Airport Lounge in DC as we speak. 

Pizzas4Patriots is sending 28,000 pizzas to the troops for the Fourth of July. And the military LOVES pizza. I learned this by volunteering with them all the time. :)

Yeah, they are sending them now just to get them there in time!!

Read more here. Spotted here

To Do: Enjoy Summer (like really enjoy it!!)

This and this inspired me to live up this summer and really enjoy myself. 

So, I have been thinking... 

I kinda want to spend my summer at the beach. 

Virginia Beach, to be exact. 

I just want to get a silly/fun summer job and spend my time at the beach. 

Being a bum. 


Any thoughts on this?


This summer I vow to:
-eat watermelon 
-spend many days on the beach
-use my bike, not my car
-treat myself to ice cream every now and then 
-have a campfire on the beach
-buy fireworks and sparklers (and use them!!)
-wear more dresses
-sit outside as much as possible
-make s'mores
-eat more peaches, pineapple and strawberries
-have a fiesta
-watch the fireworks with my best friend
-relax (some more)
-get a job
-fall in love

this about sums it up...

found here

Accessory of the Day:

I am really loving this punk look matched up with some classic pieces as well. 

I think I got it from the belt that Carrie Bradshaw wore in the SATC movie. 

Check out this bracelet here

To Do: Realize That It Could Be Worse

Check out this stream of photos... hell, life can get a lot worse. 

And check out This Moment for a cool new photo sharing site. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To Do: Rock Out

I love these...

but this...
is my fave!!

Well, my friend made me this...

Doesn't this just sum up my 3 favorite things quite well? :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

To Do: Be Dramatic

Ohh wow...

I just caught the season finale of the Real Housewives of New Jersey...


I literally live a drama-free life. I would have just gotten up and left the room when all that went down. Ohh boy. 

I can't wait for the reunions. Plus, it looks like Teresa might be pregos. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Accessory of the Day:

I am not totally sold on these but I think one of you could pull them off. 

Plus, we all need a little bling and sparkle in our lives. :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My New Obsession: Navy SEALs

Not like I need to say anything else...

but I now officially love Navy SEALs. 

...beautiful creatures...

Here is my story:
This weekend I was helping with an event for Navy SEALs and their families and it is the one day out of the year that they can show people what they do. 

There were having a little boat ride so I thought that I would go on it since I love the water. First, you have to take this monster truck looking thing called a "Big Foot" to the beach where they have the boats. So, we arrive and as we are walking over the sand dune to the beach, it happens...

I see FEMALE HEAVEN... I mean a whole f-ing beach of hot, tan, toned, buff men splashing in the ocean wearing short black shorts and tan t-shirts. Seriously ladies. HEAVEN!!

So after wiping the drool from my face and coming back to reality. We decide to try and go on a boat ride but as we are walking over to one of the tiny little dingy boats a wave starts to approach and these hot men start yelling at us to hop on right now. 

So without thinking I jump on (I mean what else do you do but listen when hot Navy SEALs tell you to do something). 

Then I realize... I am wearing white shorts. The waves start splashing over onto me on this little dingy boat. 

my pants start to disappear. Just. Like. That. Gone. 

One of the SEALs makes a joke that it is hardly noticeable. Yeah, stinkin, right! Plus, these two guys on our boat are so flippin' hot that I can't even look at them. I felt that if I did my eyes may burn and I'd loose all eyesight. 


End of story, I spend the rest of the day wearing clear pants. Yay me!!

To Do: Love

If you haven't already... you MUST try the new 7/11 Iced Coffee. 

It is amazing. 

...and now only $0.99!!! 


To Do: Get Addicted

So, I was staying with a friend this weekend and they had Guitar Hero. 

One night we all ended up playing it. 

Needless to say, I am now addicted to it. 

You just wanna keep playing until you are good. :)

To Do: Gift Ideas

elsewares - "recycled bike chain" frame $37 (awesome website!!)

crate&barrel - "bucket grill" $25

jake spade - "nice parking" cards $15

credit to where credit is due: I found these in the 6/22 people mag. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I won the First & Second seasons of Army Wives from the USO via Twitter the other day!

I have never watched it before but I am checking out an episode now. 

PS- Lifetime is dangerous for stay-at-home-wives to watch. Too much cheating...

To Do: Last Moments

Last Day Dream [HD] from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

This is a super cute video of those last minutes of our lives. 

The important things...

spotted over A Cup of Jo

To Do: Get a New Swim Suit

I don't know if it is because I was watching Pearl Harbor and I love that old fashion style...

Or maybe it is because I was watching Real Housewives of New Jersey and I loved Teresa and all of her swim suits down in Atlantic City...

But I really like this

(Not at that price tho...)

How I: Spend Some Of My Free Time

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To Do: Wear a Maxi

How frickin awesome is this?

Spotted over at The Good Life For Less.

Can I be lame and boring and make the black maxi dress the Accessory of the Day? Okay, thanks!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Accessory of the Day:

Check out these I spotted over at No Sex and the City

To Do: Watch

This looks really funny! I wanna see it!

More here

To Do: Fun

Looking what I found over at Coco+Kelley today.

How fun are these!?!

To Do: Support the Troops

I have to give props to Stephen Colbert, General Odierno, President Obama and the USO for the amazing Colbert Report show last night.

Although it was hysterical and I laughed throughout the entire show, I did get choked up a few times (okay... a lot!) because I know that they were able to give the troops a great laugh and take their minds off of everything else for just a moment. Proof...

Watch the end... it is amazing!! :)

I agree that Stephen Colbert should be Mr. USO!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Accessory of the Day:

I just finished watching Pearl Harbor the movie and I love that old 1940's style. 

These remind me of that era. Enjoy!!

To Do: Get Ready to Laugh

Gen. Odierno being interviewed by Stephen Colbert. - Photo by Army Spec. Kimberly Millett

1- I love Stephen Colbert

2- I love General Ray Odierno. 

3- I love the USO.

4- These three will be together soon for "Operation Iraqi Stephen" which should be airing tonight-Thursday. 

Stephen Colbert is taking his show to Camp Victory in Baghdad to bring some laughs to the troops and all of us back home with Tivo. :)

Check out his suit too. :)

Here is the announcement:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Exclusive - Where and When Is Stephen Going to the Persian Gulf - Iraq Announcement
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorKeyboard Cat

 Check out more here.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Accessory of the Day:

Today's Accessory of the Day requires your help!!

I love Michelle Obama's wide, silver, leather belt. 

Where do you think I can find the cheap-o version?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

To Do: Remember D-Day

Today I spent the day with hundreds or WWII Veterans who were able to come to Washington, DC and see the WWII Memorial for the first time. 

The program is called Honor Flight and if you can donate they need your help! Our WWII veterans are old and many of them will have few opportunities to see the Memorial again. 

I am also watching the Pearl Harbor movie right now. I remember President Bush told explained that one of his most memorable meetings was the first time he met with the Japanese Prime Minister. He said that his father fought in WWII against the Japanese and it showed how democracies can truly change a country. 

Today President Obama met with our allied leaders to pay tribute to all those who lost their lives this day 65 years ago. 

Thank you for all who serve. 

To Do: Be Mine

Wanna make your own magazine?

Check out Mine over at Time Magazine. 

You pick 5 of their magazines and they will send you 5 free customized magazines tailored to your interests. Check it out!

To Do: Internship

It is summertime here in Washington, DC and here in my little Capitol Hill neighborhood that means herds of awesome, know-it-all interns roaming the streets. 

Frickin Awesome!

Wanna hear some great DC Intern Stories? Read this blog...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

To Do: Interview

So how well do you think an interview went if I brought up cage fighting? .... Twice.

During a 2nd interview for a job they asked...

"How do you deal with a conflict with a fellow co-worker?"

I straight-faced answered,

"Cage fighting."

Accessory of the Day:

I think that white sneakers are a summer staple. Here are some options...

To Do: Watch

Britney Spears' Sons Dance to Toxic (Part 1) from Britney Spears on Vimeo.

I think I just love kids dancing...

Monday, June 1, 2009

To Do: Get Beach Ready


I would love to look this good after having 8 frickin kids!!!

Thanks Kate...

To Do: Trim

"When there is no underbrush the tree looks taller..."

Really Gillette? This is hysterical. 

Check out how to "trim down there" on the Gillette website. 

This cracks me up!!

To Do: Blame It

This made me laugh... and it gets stuck in your head.