Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Do: Pretend to Shop

In the words of Sublime - "If I had a million dollars... I'd spend it all."

sweater jacket via jcrew sale @ $69.99

white ruffle sweater via jcrew

white ruffle top via jcrew

white pullover sweater via jcrew sale @ $49.99

white top via jcrew sale @ $99.99

snow leopard jacket via jcrew

white jacket via jcrew

heather gray herringbone sweater via jcrew

gray houndstooth sweater via jcrew

chunky gold chain via jcrew

black ruffle blazer via jcrew
funky black jacket via jcrew
yellow bag via forever 21 - can't find the link

earring set via forever 21

white bag via forever 21 - can't find the link

black flower pin via forever 21
yellow bag via forever 21
multi-stand pearl necklace via forever 21

coin purse via forever 21

flower pin via forever 21

gray bag from forever 21 - can't find the link

flower clip via forever 21

black/gold knot earrings via forever 21

necklace via forever 21

black watch via forever 21 - can't find the link
hat via forever 21
jackie o dress via jcrew
earrings via forever 21

flower pin via forever 21

I Heart Potato

Heart potato, originally uploaded by cuorhome.

Every frickin' time I leave the gym...

I crave a baked potato with bbq sauce.

Isn't that weird?

On a totally separate note:

Today my friend Z and I were at the gym and after 30 mins of cardio we hit the weights. 

As I am pumping iron (that sounds a little lesbian-ish)... Z looks at me and says, 

"For not having any makeup on, and for being sweaty at the gym, and for being a heinous bitch... You look really pretty right now!"

To Do: Get Hit

image from dcist

It truly isn't a day in Washington, D.C. if you don't almost get hit by one of the following:

- a motorcade
- a group of tacky (read lazy) tourists on segways
- a pompous staffer consumed by his Blackberry

To Do: Laugh

I love this.

"Do you become more adorable under pressure?"

Dear Abbey,

This has been stuck in my head since you first posted it.

And you introduced me to Even Cleveland. Love this blog.

Check out this cute idea I found there.

On To More Important Matters...

I know everyone is talking about the financial crisis right...

now and in the center of this is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...

Girl... what's up with your hair yesterday!?

I will part with party lines and say that I normally think that Speaker Pelosi is very attractive.

And always fashionable (except your purple suit at the State of the Union - you were representing women everyone and you wore a purple suit? WHY!?)

Look how foxy you normally look!

first image here. second image here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Favorite Thing Today:

I love both of these looks, but let's talk about the black and tan look. I am obsessed with this. I love the puffy top with that AM-azing skirt. Foxy, fox!

I really can't even comprehend these two looks. They are just beautiful. I love the suit with the pockets on the side and that fab tan skirt.

Awww. Ill be loving these all day!!

via Fashion is Spinach.

My Life Through Coffee

image via fffound

It's pretty frickin' cold in my office today. And I am craving coffee for the first time in a long time. I rarely drink coffee and I know its not good for me either.

But... I want to share some coffee stories with you.


My First Political Dinner:

I love reading ettiquette books and when I first started in politics I found them to be really helpful. I am from a small town in Arizona where we never had formal dinners or events growing up. I loved reading books on ettiquette because I loved reading about black tie dinners and old fashion chilvery. For me it was like reading a fabulous novel about a land far away.

I remember reading that when your dinner host offers you coffee you know it is time to leave. Being only 18 at the time I thought this was a great way to measure your departure and I was really excited to use it.

It was Easter Sunday during my freshman year of college and my state representative, (who was also LDS and female) offered to have my join her family at church and for Easter dinner. I was exstactic to say the least. I sad proudly with her family in the pew at church like I was with a celebrity and after church I followed her family to their beautiful home.

We had a wonderful dinner and it was nice to be with someone's family during the holiday. After dinner we sat around and I listened to hear amazing stories about being a public servant, a mother, a wife, a woman and a member of the church.

But the time started to elapse faster and faster and soon it was getting dark. I felt that it was time to leave but I waited a little longer. Then I started to get anxious. I really needed to go but I didnt want to leave before they offered me coffee. So I waited.

Then her husband took hold of the conversation and said that it was great having me over but that I should probably head out now. I was humiliated. I had overstayed my welcome. I left and called my mother the second I got into my car.

"But mom, I waited for them to offer me coffee and they never did. I never knew when the right time to leave was!"

My mom laughed, "Well, aren't they Mormon too? They don't drink coffee, babe."

I was humiliated.

My New Travel Mug:

I once became great friends with a lovely little guy who worked at Starbucks my sophomore year of college. He was awesome. One day my friends and I went into Starbucks to visit him and he surprised us with a little treat. He bought us all (the coolest) travel mugs.

See below:

It was awesome! It was white and black. It had a clip. It was the world's greatest coffee mug.

And as we were all chatting about how awesome the gift was my friend, The Beav, said...

"Haha. How lame!? You could be an idiot and clip this on your belt!"

the Beav and I were standing back to back at this time and at the exact same time, in a different conversation I threw my hands up in the air and yelled...

"Look! You can clip this on your belt!!"

Well said, Beav. Only an idiot!

Anyhow, I loved that darn mug so much that I started drnking coffee just because of it. I think it was in Decemember and we had finals so drinking coffee made sense to me.

I would fill that mug up, drink it, and fill it up again.

All day long.

Then my stomach started to queasy...

I asked a friend about it.

"Coffee is a natural laxative."

Point taken.

To Do: Vote

Get your Daily Candy here!!

Vote in the 2008 Election

In just four months, you’ll be hobnobbing at inaugural balls and scoping out fresh meat at Hill happy hours. That is, of course, if you do your part to get involved in the process.

candidiot n. one who does not read up on candidates before voting. (If the candidiots had researched options on opensecrets.org, they might not have elected SpongeBob SquarePants.)

chadder n. Election Day murmurs about exit polls, weather conditions, and trends.

debaiter n. the friend or relative who makes sweeping statements about your candidate to rile you. (Bob wouldn’t be a debaiter if he had read votesmart.org.)

pollitician n. citizen who volunteers to work polling places on Election Day.

snogural n. amorous feelings induced by too much bubbly at festivities to welcome the new administration.

social security n. network of political supporters on Facebook.

statusfaction n. the happy feeling one gets after registering to vote. (Knowing he would sport an “I Voted” sticker this November gave Joe great statusfaction.)

The registration deadline for the District and Virginia is Monday, October 6. The deadline in Maryland is Tuesday, October 14. For more political lingo, check out our Election Day Lexicon.

Friday, September 26, 2008

To Do: Get Lucky

image from here.

As you may remember (here or here) I have really bad luck with guys.

***Correction... I do have really good luck with guys... taken ones. Urgh.

I can meet some amazing guys - handsome, nice, interested, funny, really good looking, - but then I get to look down and see a little gold band looking right back at me.

Its really becoming a joke.

Last night I was talking with my latest crush and then he dropped a bomb on me...

"Yeah - I better head out. My girlfriend is making dinner for me."

Bomb dropped.

But This One kept her cool. And recovered without a problem. In fact my friends who watched the bomb dropped on me (and her jaw dropped at the same time) said I handled it flawlessly.


Then today, I was walking around work and saw this gorgeous man that I have been casually talking to since last Christmas - so I stopped to chat with him.

He was totally flirty and engaged in the conversation. He kept looking at me and smiling and things were great. Then I looked down. At his left hand.

There it was. My archenemy. The Little Gold Band.

What the heck!

Why can't I catch a break?

Two bombs in two days! Damn.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Because I Love My Dad...

...lets talk about him!!

He lives in Australia and I haven't seen him for the longest time - but that doesn't stop us from talking like two times a day.

If you know anything about me - please know that I love my dad. He is definitely the number one man in This One's life!!

Here is what we talked about last night:

him - "You are going to hate me for what I am about to tell you but you need to hear it. Now, don't say anything until I frickin' finish. You need to hear this and you never listen to me when I tell you this. Last time we talked about this you just didn't listen and someone needs to whack this into your head!!!"

SIDE NOTE: I hated whatever he was going to say before he even said it.

me (annoyed at this point) - "okay... what?"

him (still ranting and raving) - "You need to stop saying "like" all the time. You sound like a stupid valley girl..." (I don't really know what he said after this - I stopped listening. Let him ramble for a few minutes. and thought about something else.)

SIDE NOTE: I do say "like" a lot and I really do need to work on this. Point taken.

me - "Hey dad, I got your point and agree with you. Ill work on that. But can I tell you something? There would have been an awesome way for you to tell me this. All you'd have to say is...

"You are an awesome daughter and you make me so proud. You have done so much in your life and I am just amazed by you. But you should stop saying "like" so much
because it takes away from who you are and makes you sound not as smart as you

But instead, I didn't take your point but moved my thoughts to thinking about how mean you just were to me."

him- "This is why you are so amazing. You really are right. This is something that I need to work on. How do you suggest I do this? I am serious. How can I change that about myself?"

me - "Dad, to tell you the truth I got it from writing emails. I have to write people emails all day and I always want to write short-to-the-point emails but then I think about the recipient on the other end. 'How will they take this?' "


me (summing it up) major points of the conversation on how to communicate well with others (and I may not be an expert but I try to exercises these everyday)

1 - always try to compliment people (but make them sincere too)
2 - when correcting someone, get on the same level with them - build them up or make yourself a little vunerable so they feel comfortable
3 - add a little fluff but not too much (I hate it when people send me emails like:

How are you? I hope you had an amazing weekend. You should come over and
use our pool. It's so nice. We love laying out there on the weekends. We really
would love to have you.

Oh, can we have your first born child.

Let me know.

***because - no one likes to feel used.

4 - know that sometimes people don't want to hear what you have to say. This makes me think of the "He's Just Not That Into You" episode of Sex and the City - when Miranda goes to tell those young girls that maybe the guy they are going after is just not that into them. They didn't want to hear it. (and yes, I did try and explain SATC to my dad. tyvm!)

me - "So, like, this was a great, like, conversation that I had with you, dad. And, like, I really learned a lot about what you were, like, saying."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

To Do: Document It

I love filing things. Here are some cute ideas...

Medical Documents:

found here.

5-Year Diary:

found here.

Paper Dolls

You are FOXY Cindy! Foxy!!

How fun are these?

What a fun idea.

I found them here.

The Movie...

UPDATE:: This came out yesterday and I neglected to post! Sorry!!

The Sex in the City movie comes out on DVD September 23rd.

Who is excited? This one!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How I: Eat A Banana

I learned a few years ago the proper way to eat/peel a banana.

Some may call it the "Monkey Way" and I am pretty sure that monkeys have been eating bananas a lot longer than us and I think that they have perfected it by now.

Why ruin the banana by snapping off the stem and mushing it all up?

This is how to do it:

  • Peel the banana with the stem down.
  • Pinch the top.
  • Throw the top part of the banana away.
  • Eat all the way down!

To Do: Don't Forget Nie

I love this story about NieNie.

When I was younger my mom wanted to bring back my curly hair and she thought that if she cut it short the curls would come back. So she took me to a local salon and asked the guy to cut it short so that my curly hair would come back.

While as he started to cut, I started to cry.

The shorter it got, the more I cried.

By the end, I was hysterical. My mom looked at her short haired daughter who had a curly little 'fro at this point and told me that she would buy me whatever I wanted.

I took her up on that offer, but the damage was done - I looked like a little boy for the longest time.

I remember going over to meet my new neighbors and I heard their mother say, "Aww, go play with the neighbor boy."

I quit right there and went home.

To say that I learned my lesson should have been a given but now I look back at my college hair cut and it looks a little like a short lesbian cut too.

Well kids - This One is keeping her hair long from here on out.

Shopping: Pink

I want to add pink and orange to my yellow living room.

How about these??
type in DCSPOON at checkout for a 25% discount from here.

Monday, September 22, 2008

To Do: Cheer Up

image from here.

I am keeping my head up and looking forward.

I woke up this morning feeling like death. I had a bloody nose (like the first one I have had since like middle school!) and a stiff back (from planting flower boxes yesterday) and a terrible stomach ache. After lying there in pain for hours, I get up and make my way to the kitchen and look out the window.

I forgot that I parked my car on the street last night and what a treat - I get a parking ticket because Monday is street cleaning day! URGH.

I look down and see my HOT new flower boxes and they put the only smile on my face all morning. (Foxy pictures to come later!!)

I basically crawled into work only to receive more bad news.

BUT... I have decided to keep my head up and look toward the future.