Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!

via here.

Happy Birthday me! December 15th baby!!!

I wasnt really that into my birthday this year. I really didn't do anything too special either.

I had dinner with my dad, my favorito friend Nat, and two little, cutie Marines.

Then, on the 16th, I went out to the middle of nowhere (read Quanitco, VA) and volunteered with the USO. There were 700 Marine Reserve soldiers coming through on their way to Iraq. The USO had the soldiers bring out a cake and sing happy birthday to me.

I thought that we were all singing to one of the soldiers so I sang along until I saw the cake and it had MY name on it. :)

What a special memory!!


Jackie said...

Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you had a great one!