Thursday, April 16, 2009

To Do: Found

So... I have been on hiatus.

I needed it. I needed to find myself again. I think I lost myself around the same time that I lost my job. Maybe a little before.

Anyhow, there was some point that I decided I was just not going to worry about me and I put all the pressure on The Dude. I kinda used him as a crutch. For the first time in my life I decided that I didn't need to hold myself up on my own but I could just lean on someone else. Not just lean, but allow myself to be completely held up by someone else. I think I lost myself a little bit in him.

We are just friends. I need a good friend.

I lost myself. To the point that if I were to look in the mirror I wouldn't recognize myself.

I figure that you have to hit rock bottom before you things can get better. Well I hit rock bottom around the begining of the month. The Dude and I had a fall out. My phone finally kicked the bucket and things were just not good. I decided that I was going to give myself 4 days. 4 days to just be miserable. 4 days to cry and to sleep. Then I had to get over it all.

And I did. With Jury Duty. Not just any jury duty tho. DC Jury Duty. With no phone. Plus one mid-day fire drill. Awesome. That was the day that sucked but all I could do was laugh. out loud. to myself. walking down a stairwell. during a fire drill. with hundreds of strangers.

From then on it all got better.

I have had a few more job leads. (still no job). but things are looking up.

I feel like I finally found me. Still putting the pieces back together. But I can see the old me sprouting up like the spring flowers.

Anyhow, I plan to get back to blogging. I just needed a little time to remind myself who I was. So, thank you. For sticking with me. :)


t.ツ said...

I'm glad you found yourself.
Sorry about the dude =/

I'm trying to find a job too...
I think everyone is! haha.

I hope to move out near you by the end of the summer/beginning of fall!

EMiller7 said...

Rock star.