Monday, December 14, 2009

To Do: Survive

I am gonna do it SaucyApron! I am going to clear out my cabinets!

I have a very small pantry area and I have a bunch of food that I don't use. I am going to try to survive on just the stuff I have in there already. Okay, maybe Ill buy milk and fruit but that is it!! Nothing else.

What do we think?


Unknown said...

i've thought about that before. i have SO much food in my pantry that gets ignored...but it's boring food. the cookies and goodies always go first!

Steve said...

Better yet, donate the unwanted food, especially in need and wanted this time of year, and restock with yummy stuff you DO want to eat!

saucy said...

steve had a good idea. i find the best meals are the ones at the end of this challenge! its fun! are you home yet??