Wednesday, January 9, 2008

my boy... johnny mac

lets not be shy about the fact that I am a political junkie and I have jumped on board of the "straight talk express." it has sure been a rocky road but last night was a much needed victory.

Here are the results of the NH primary, (thanks to my favorite political blog, beltway confidential):

These are the results with 91 percent of the New Hampshire precincts reporting:

McCain: 37 percent
Romney: 32 percent
Giuliani: 9 percent
Paul: 8 percent
Thomson: 1 percent
Hunter: 1 percent
Clinton: 39 percent

Obama: 36 percent
Edwards:17 percent
Richardson: 5 percent
Kucinich:1 percent
Gravel: Shut-out. Denied!

and just a little treat for you all...

(keepin' it real...)