Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Remember that I said I had that big meeting today...

well, this is what I wore...

(but it came with silver buttons and I changed that to gold buttons.)

with this friend...

and it all took place in this room


leslie said...

you're such a V.I.P.!

H, i need HELP!!! i am a fashion zero. i have tried to go shopping twice in the past couple weeks and come up with nothing. will you dress me? and my friend megan wants you to help her organize her house before she moves. you can't be a self-professed organizational freak and keep it all to yourself!! haha. no really though. we need your expertise.

how is your friend doing? i remember meeting him on the 4th of july. how's his status these days?

Jessica said...

So I was just looking through your blog and I totally just bought that dress on sale the other day! So classy! Anyway, Love the blog!