Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To Do: Find Love

Okay, taking the idea from Ice Cream & Peonies about "things i should be embarrassed about" I feel that I should share with you today... about things I should be embarrassed about but instead, blog about.

Well, I was volunteering the other day and I was so darn bored sitting there with no one around. And it was the first time that I had watched TV in a long time and an eHarmony commercial was on and I thought..."Hey, why not!?!"

So I set up a little account for myself, answered all of their questions (heck, anything that consumed my time was great at this point!) and then I saw the price tag on it. But with a little investigating I found a cheap promo code that made it worth the time.

I am not expecting to find the love of my life but I figure that I little dating can't hurt, right? So, I went with it.

It has taught me a whole bunch about myself.
1- I imagine that everyone is good looking. Like Shallow Hal's vision of life. Well, they are not.
2- I have realized that I am really snobby. And that I place a lot on appearances. Oops.
3- There is nothing worse than when someone that you find unattractive, doesn't want to date you! Hello, I am fabulous.
4- Online dating might be for nerds. But I have already paid for 3 months. So, Ill give it a shot.

So on top of all of this... what happens?

I get matched with someone I work with! AWKWARD!!

But my goal this real is to be real and honest. Instead of lying and telling him that someone set it up for me and I think it is stupid I am gonna just face it.

But still... AWKWARD!


Skinnie Piggie said...

You just totally made my day... haha.

Steve said...

Oh I can't wait to see you in those horrible commercials! haha.

kay* said...

lol! can't wait to read how it goes for you. i'm going to give online dating a try for a month or so too - so i imagine i'll have a few stories to blog. i'll have to try & dig up that promo code too.

thanks for the shot out!