Tuesday, August 12, 2008

To Do: Be Happy for the Rest of Your Life

(you are welcome for the image, found here)

I love that song "If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife." (I plan on playing this song for my husband everyday once I am married so that he will be reminded how lucky he is to have me!)

But this article says otherwise. I guess its the opposite. If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a hot guy your husband (in my mind I made this rhyme.)

I woke up to talk radio (WRFK, or something) this morning (maybe that's why this has been a bum day) and they were discussing this. But they were all guys and didn't have the token female DJ to chime in and bring legitimacy to the convo.

Truth is, I think its true. If you date a guy who is hotter than you, you will always worry that he will cheat on you. But if you date an "un-hot" guy who worships you then you will have a better marriage.

Hmmmm. I still want the hit guy though. Lets be honest.