Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To Do: Mate

So Little Z and I were out walking/exercising today. 

This normally starts with a trip to 7/11 to get slurpees. (mine ONLY banana and pina colada, Z with a little taste of every flavor)

It also consists of a lot of gossip and chatting about life. 

Today we were discussing the perfect guy for me. 

>>>side note: does anyone remember those games you play as a kid where each person adds something new to the list. like I am going to the zoo and I am going to bring a banana. then I am going to the zoo and I am going to bring a banana and a cactus...etc. 

back to the point. this is pretty much how we have created the perfect guy in our heads. 

"He must be Mormon. He must be Mormon and a Marine. He must be a Mormon, Marine with a boat...etc."

Anyhow, Little Z says to me today.
"I am normally totally against this. You know. But I think that you should join eHarmony so that you can narrow your search. You could literally type in the perfect man for you."

That's about when I realized that I may be putting too much into this. :)

aww, The Dude loved banana slurpees too. :(